"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder" - Rumi
This piece is about choosing your words carefully. Like seeds, they grow roots.
Hand cut 36gsm Awagami Factory Kitakata paper, painted with acrylic.

Hand cut paper and hand painted with acrylic.
Inspired by old maps and the details on old maps.
Showing organic patterns inspired by nature and the details on old maps, and the core of the earth. The circles around the earth showing the space we inhabit, and the stars surrounding us.
Cut from Awagami Factory 36gsm Kitakata washi paper.

A symbol of adaptability and change.
Hand cut 36gsm Awagami Factory Kitakata washi paper. Painted with acrylic.

Hand cut paper, painted with acrylic.
Cut from Awagami Factory 36gsm Kitakata washi paper.

Hand cut paper
A piece created for the 2022 Paper Artist Collective Calendar.
For the month February, inspired by the Chinese new year of the tiger, and inspired by the many patterns and artworks seen and experienced in my own trip to China in 2019.
All profits from the calendar donated to Art Refuge, a charity using art and art therapy to support people displaced by conflict, persecution and poverty.

Hand cut recycled papers.
Created for the Paper Artist Collective collaboration for World Ocean Day. Inspired by Rock Pools.

Hand cut paper and acrylic.
In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is an immensely large Ash tree, that is central to the cosmos, the branches reaching up to the heavens and the roots deep into the underworld and connecting the nine realms.
The Ash tree is also mortal, and must be protected,
It is inhabited by many different creatures throughout. Níðhöggr, a serpent who gnaws at the roots of the ash tree, an unnamed eagle who resides in the canopy, the stags, and Ratatoskr the squirrel who travels up and down the tree passing messages between the eagle and Níðhöggr.
Cut from 36gsm Awagami Factory washi paper.