Created for the Financial Times “Make Sense of it All Gallery” that was exhibited at the No.9 Cork Street Frieze Gallery, London October 14th - 16th 2022.
This piece’s theme was the movement of displaced people from Ukraine throughout Europe, since the beginning of the conflict.
I wanted to focus on the people who have been displaced from their homes and communities. The piece represents the vast numbers of displaced people since the conflict began, the pain of leaving loved ones behind and the temporary status of their current lives. Home can be a building, a place, or a community or family. Some that will create new homes and communities for themselves elsewhere, and some that will eventually return to Ukraine.
My piece was inspired by the stories and events that I had been told about by my grandfather, who came to the UK as a person displaced by war, many years ago, and faced many similar choices. The safety and roots he established in a different place are the foundation of my life now. The flowers at the base of the work show the distribution of displaced people across Europe, visualised as clusters of flowers.
A thought provoking pop-up exhibition that explored how story telling and art can help us understand global events at a time when the future looks increasingly uncertain.
Laser cut paper and polycarbonate.

Hand cut and hand painted paper.
Buttercups symbolise happiness, friendship and positivity. Part of a series depicting the spirits living in gardens and nature.
Cut from 36gsm Awagami Factory washi paper.

Hand cut and hand painted, around printed image from a found photograph
Cut from 36gsm awagami factory washi paper.

Paper orange poppy, experiment to create a 3d flower from one of my paper cuts, this one is from my piece “Poppy Spirit”
Hand cut 36gsm awagami factory washi paper, painted, and florists wire.

In Roman mythology, Terra is a goddess of the earth. Image used is from my personal collection of found photographs.
Her long flowing dress and the old image quality, makes her appear ethereal. Magnolia flowers symbolise perseverance and a love of nature, femininity and gentleness. I wanted to create a piece that made her look powerful and divine.
Hand cut 36gsm Awagami Factory washi paper, hand painted.

Hand cut paper, hand painted.
Inspired by the Ukrainian woman who in March 2022, walked up to a soldier of an invading force, held out sunflower seeds and told him to put them in his pocket, so when he dies, the flowers will grow.

Hand cut layered paper
The pangolin is listed as a vulnerable to critically endangered species and are the most trafficked animal in the world. We have the future of these beautiful animals in our hands, as with so many other species.
My piece for the Paper Artist Collective “World Wildlife Day” collaboration with Pergraphica papers.

Created to accompany the writing of James Morland for a Wellcome Collection story.
James Morland writes about his experience of being diagnosed with a liver condition during the pandemic, when in person appointments were not possible and he had to rely on words, poetry and their connection to historical writing to convey the physical. All much more interesting than my brief description, so please do head over to the Wellcome Collection site to give it a read.

Created to accompany the writing of James Morland for a Wellcome Collection story.
James Morland writes about his experience of being diagnosed with a liver condition during the pandemic, when in person appointments were not possible and he had to rely on words, poetry and their connection to historical writing to convey the physical. All much more interesting than my brief description, so please do head over to the Wellcome Collection site to give it a read.

Created to accompany the writing of James Morland for a Wellcome Collection story.
James Morland writes about his experience of being diagnosed with a liver condition during the pandemic, when in person appointments were not possible and he had to rely on words, poetry and their connection to historical writing to convey the physical. All much more interesting than my brief description, so please do head over to the Wellcome Collection site to give it a read.

Created to accompany the writing of James Morland for a Wellcome Collection story.
James Morland writes about his experience of being diagnosed with a liver condition during the pandemic, when in person appointments were not possible and he had to rely on words, poetry and their connection to historical writing to convey the physical. All much more interesting than my brief description, so please do head over to the Wellcome Collection site to give it a read.